About Us
The Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance is a network of civil society organisations, non-governmental organisations, think tanks, academic institutions and social enterprises whose work relate to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Member organisations come from Peninsula Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak and work across a wide range of issues. Members are broadly grouped into seven thematic groups: gender, indigenous peoples, environment & sustainability, health, education & training, poverty & social wellbeing and governance.
The Alliance serves as an independent voice of civil society in advancing the SDGs in Malaysia.
The Alliance is a member of the National SDG Steering Committee and chairs the CSO Working Group (Jawatankuasa Kerja Pertubuhan Masyarakat Sivil) of the SDG Technical Committee, formed by the Ministry of Economy (formerly known as the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department).
The Alliance had contributed ​to the preparation of the 2017 and 2021 Voluntary National Reviews, the SDG Roadmap Phases I and II, as well as the Midterm Review of the 11th and 12th Malaysia Plans.
The Alliance was formed in 2016 as a network of organisations from the third sector that cared about Malaysia’s achievement of the SDGs. It played a pivotal role in the formation of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Malaysia on the Sustainable Development Goals (“APPGM-SDG”), a highly collaborative bipartisan Parliamentary platform for the localisation of the SDGs at the constituency level.

Meet the Malaysian CSO-SDG Alliance Team

Lavanya Rama Iyer
Director, Policy and Climate Change
WWF Malaysia

Kiu Jia Yaw
Chair, Bar Council Environment & Climate Change Committee
Working Group Leads

Advocacy Working Group Lead
Omna Sreeni-Ong
Founder & Principal Consultant,
Engender Consultancy

Indigenous Peoples Thematic Group Lead
Kon Onn Sein
Managing Director,
Yayasan Kajian & Pembangunan Masyarakat (YKPM)

Governance Thematic Group Lead
Jeffrey FK Phang
Executive Council Member,
Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia
Gender Thematic Group Lead
Bina Ramanand
Lead Coordinator,
Family Frontiers Malaysia

Environment & Sustainability Thematic Group Lead
Afandi Ahmad
Fellow, Technology, Innovation, Environment & Sustainability,
ISIS Malaysia

Poverty & Social Wellbeing Thematic Group Lead
Dato' Indrani Thuraisingam
Vice President & Legal Advisor, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (FOMCA)

Health Thematic Group Lead
Dr. Murali Munisamy
Managing Director,
National Cancer Society of Malaysia

Education & Training Thematic Group Lead
Thai Ming Yeow
Vice Chairperson,
Regional Center of Expertise Greater Kuala Lumpur (RCE GKL)

Fundraising Working Group Lead
Joyline Chai
Lions Club of George Town Mutiara

Membership Working Group Lead
Volunteer needed!
Communications Working Group Lead
Kieran Li Nair
Co-Focal Point,
Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD)